The Flash is still several months away from its premiere, but excitement for the show has never been higher. Many...
THE FLASH #18 Writer: Joshua Williamson Penciller: Jesus Merino Inker: Andy Owens Colorist: Chris Sotomayor Letterer: Steve Wands Release Date: 3/8/17 The Flash #18 starts...
The Flash #24 waves goodbye to Hal and welcomes Reverse Flash in a terrifying chase through time. Can Barry stop Eobard before he destroys everything dear?
The Flash #27 is an emotional roller coaster ride that concludes the "Running Scared" arc with a heart-stopping battle and a heart-wrenching conversation.
On The Flash Podcast section of the big live DC TV Podcasts Cancer Research Fundraiser event that took place on...
The Flash #21 continues the Batman crossover and kicks things into high gear with a trip through time, which even brings Flashpoint into play.
THE FLASH #25 Writer: Joshua Williamson Pencillers: Carmine Di Giandomenico, Neil Googe and Ryan Sook Colorists: Ivan Plascencia, Hi-Fi & Dave McCaig...
The Flash is beginning its final graphic novel tonight with “A New World,” but before Barry Allen faces his last...
The Flash #23 starts its new arc off with a thorough exploration of Barry's fears, juxtaposed with a fun visit from his buddy Green Lantern.
The Flash #26 is a thrilling look at a possible future that shakes Barry to the core and establishes who his worst enemy really is.