The CW has released the official episode description for the 13th episode of The Flash Season 4 titled “True Colors.”...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy Behbakht, Amy Marie, and Brittany Rivera come together to review episode 11...
It’s a great day for The Flash fans as more information about the upcoming episodes of the season has been...
We are over halfway done with Season 4 of The Flash, and today The CW released the official episode description...
After tonight’s episode of The Flash, which centered around Ralph’s heroic journey, The CW released the trailer for the 12th...
After tonight’s episode of The Flash, which featured Cecile (Danielle Nicolet) getting temporary powers, The CW released the official trailer...
While The Flash is going on a hiatus for a couple of weeks…The CW did not leave its speedster fans...
Don’t speed away now! The CW has released new promotional images for the 12th episode of The Flash Season 4...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy Behbakht, Amy Marie, and Brittany Rivera come together to review episode 12...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy Behbakht, Amy Marie, and Brittany Rivera come together to review episode 13 of The Flash Season 4 titled...