The Flash is getting deeper into its “A New World” graphic novel as Barry Allen’s last major threat approaches. While...
The latest entry into the DC animated universe library is an Elseworlds story and one of DC’s most famous ones:...
Welcome to a special episode of The Flash Podcast! We recently had the honor to speak with DC Comics Artist,...
As The Flash season 6 has come to an early end, given the Coronavirus pandemic, viewers will have to wait...
WARNING: This article includes spoilers from The Flash season 9 premiere, “Wednesday Ever After.” By Andy Behbakht and Tatiana Hullender...
Welcome to a special episode of The Flash Podcast! Recently we had the honor to talk to voice talent and...
Bart Allen, a.k.a. Impulse, is on his way to the Arrowverse. The great Jordan Fisher is bringing him to life in The Flash season...
By Andy Behbakht and Tatiana Hullender We are less than a week away from the final season of The Flash,...
Welcome to a special episode of The Flash Podcast! We recently had the honor to interview Greg Weisman, one of...
The Flash was one of an endless list of TV shows that got affected by the global pandemic. Despite these...