EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Matt Letscher On Finishing The Flash’s Reverse-Flash Arc

The Flash is beginning its final graphic novel tonight with “A New World,” but before Barry Allen faces his last villain, he has one more fight with his ultimate nemesis: Eobard Thawne, a.k.a. the Reverse-Flash! Returning for his final episode in the Arrowverse drama, Matt Lestcher joined Andy Behbakht for an exclusive interview to discuss finishing his Reverse-Flash saga in this prominent episode, which serves as part 1 of the series finale. Check out the video or audio version below!

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LIVE IN THE MOMENT – As Iris (Candice Patton) receives word of a career milestone, Barry (Grant Gustin) is suddenly nowhere to be found. In trying to get back home, Barry runs across many familiar faces. Khione (Danielle Panabaker) continues to figure out her powers and Chester (Brandon McKnight) works on a suit for Allegra (Kayla Compton). Eric Wallace directed the episode written by Eric Wallace & Thomas Pound (#910). Original airdate 5/3/2023.

Don’t miss our live stream tomorrow night (Thursday, May 4) at 9:30 PM EST on DC TV Podcasts’ YouTube channel as we cover episode 9 of season 9, titled “A New World, Part One”!


EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Batwoman’s Javicia Leslie On Season 9’s Red Death Saga

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Brandon McKnight’s On Chester P. Runk’s Season 9 Arc

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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Andy Mientus On Pied Piper’s Massive Season 9 Arc

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: The Flash Boss Eric Wallace Breaks Down Season 9 Spoilers & More | (Audio Version) | (Video Version)

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