The Flash #26 is a thrilling look at a possible future that shakes Barry to the core and establishes who his worst enemy really is.
The Flash #29 is a slow and steady climb towards a new Big Bad that we have yet to meet, and an in-depth look at new powers Barry has yet to understand.
After the Metal crossover event ends, Barry and Wally will be left picking up the pieces in Flash War. The story runs from Annual #1 to The Flash #46.
The Flash #35 reveals Meena's motivations for her heel-face-turn, and reintroduces the idea of a Barry and Wally team-up.
The Flash #27 is an emotional roller coaster ride that concludes the "Running Scared" arc with a heart-stopping battle and a heart-wrenching conversation.
The Flash #30 introduces us to a new villain named Bloodwork, providing him with an interesting backstory and a tenuous connection to Barry.
The Flash #32 re-introduces us to Iron Heights and sets the scene for Barry Allen's future dealings there while igniting plot points that will go off later.
Negative Flash takes center stage in The Flash #28, as Barry tries to get control of his new powers. But a mysterious villain would rather he didn't.
The Flash #31 concludes Bloodwork and sets up the next arc of the series, which takes place at Iron Heights. It also happily brings the Wests back in.
The Flash #33 makes the most of its Metal tie-in, bringing as much action and fear to The Flash as possible without losing Barry's human touch.