The Flash is beginning its final graphic novel tonight with “A New World,” but before Barry Allen faces his last...
The Flash #27 is an emotional roller coaster ride that concludes the "Running Scared" arc with a heart-stopping battle and a heart-wrenching conversation.
The Flash #24 waves goodbye to Hal and welcomes Reverse Flash in a terrifying chase through time. Can Barry stop Eobard before he destroys everything dear?
This week on Season 1.5 of The Flash Podcast, Andy and Amy are joined by Jason Inman, one of the...
The Flash is beginning its final graphic novel tonight with “A New World,” but before Barry Allen faces his last...
The Flash #26 is a thrilling look at a possible future that shakes Barry to the core and establishes who his worst enemy really is.
The Flash #23 starts its new arc off with a thorough exploration of Barry's fears, juxtaposed with a fun visit from his buddy Green Lantern.
The Flash #46 explores Wally's fragmented memories and how their return affects his own emotions as well as Barry's, while still setting the scene for Hunter Zolomon's ultimate revenge.
THE FLASH #25 Writer: Joshua Williamson Pencillers: Carmine Di Giandomenico, Neil Googe and Ryan Sook Colorists: Ivan Plascencia, Hi-Fi & Dave McCaig...
The Flash #21 continues the Batman crossover and kicks things into high gear with a trip through time, which even brings Flashpoint into play.