The Flash is still several months away from its premiere, but excitement for the show has never been higher. Many...
On this special edition episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy Behbakht is joined by special guests Chris Hayner (from
We joined The Flash star Tom Cavanagh at Paleyfest LA 2015, where he was finally at liberty to discuss the...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy, Scott and Lauren review The Flash’s 17th episode titled “Tricksters” that...
Welcome back to The Flash Podcast! On this episode, Andy Behbakht is joined by Justin Mouton from Unleash the Fanboy...
While waiting for The Flash to return on March 17th, Amy Marie, Lauren Gallaway and Andy Behbakht get together for...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy, Scott and Amy review The Flash’s 15th episode titled “Out of...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy, Scott and Adam review the ninth and epic mid-season finale of...
Following our big announcement about the launch of, we also announced last night that our very own Amy Marie...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy, Lauren and Amy review The Flash’s 16th episode titled “Rogue Time”...