On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy, Scott and Amy review The Flash’s 15th episode titled “Out of...
Barry Allen takes a turn for the worse in Flash #41, all according to Grodd's plan, while both Wallys take pains to fix what their mentor can't.
On this special edition episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy Behbakht is joined by special guests Chris Hayner (from Zap2it.com)...
On a special edition of The Flash Podcast, as well as the first episode for 2016, Andy and Adam get...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy, Lauren and Amy review The Flash’s 18th episode titled “All-Star Team...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy, Scott and returning guest Rebecca Johnson (host of supergirlgirlradio.com) review The...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy, Scott and Adam review the ninth and epic mid-season finale of...
The Flash #21 continues the Batman crossover and kicks things into high gear with a trip through time, which even brings Flashpoint into play.
The Flash #26 is a thrilling look at a possible future that shakes Barry to the core and establishes who his worst enemy really is.
This week on Season 1.5 of The Flash Podcast, Andy is joined by his friend William Goodman, founder of Between...