Iconic comic book writer Mark Waid returns to TFP as he chats about creating Cobalt Blue, who served as the...
The Flash has officially come to a conclusion after nine amazing years! With the series finale having now aired, The...
The Flash has officially come to a conclusion after nine amazing years! With the series finale having now aired, The...
The Flash is getting deeper into its “A New World” graphic novel as Barry Allen’s last major threat approaches. While...
The Flash is beginning its final graphic novel tonight with “A New World,” but before Barry Allen faces his last...
The battle to clear their names continues as Gotham Knights season 1 follows Turner Hayes and his new band of...
A new DC TV show for The CW arrives tonight as we are returning to Gotham City, but a very...
A new DC TV show for The CW arrives tonight as we are returning to Gotham City, but a very...
Another year means another new DC TV show for The CW as we are returning to Gotham City, but a...
The CW’s latest DC TV entry is days away from premiering, as Gotham Knights will be joining the network’s superhero...