The Flash was one of an endless list of TV shows that got affected by the global pandemic. Despite these...
The Flash is getting deeper into its “A New World” graphic novel as Barry Allen’s last major threat approaches. While...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast Season 3.5, Andy Behbakht, Brittany Rivera, and Lauren Gallaway come together to chat...
The latest entry into the DC animated universe library is an Elseworlds story and one of DC’s most famous ones:...
By Andy Behbakht and Tatiana Hullender. After a long, extensive hiatus, The Flash season 8 finally came back tonight. The...
WARNING: This article include MAJOR spoilers from The Flash season 8, episode 18, “The Man in the Yellow Tie” –...
Iconic comic book writer Mark Waid returns to TFP as he chats about creating Cobalt Blue, who served as the...
We spoke to The Flash star Danielle Panabaker at Paleyfest LA 2015 and delved into how Caitlin will handle the...
Bart Allen, a.k.a. Impulse, is on his way to the Arrowverse. The great Jordan Fisher is bringing him to life in The Flash season...
Season 6 of The CW drama The Flash is looking to be its biggest year yet, with new foes, new...