After this week’s episode of The Flash, taking place in DCTV’s mega Arrowverse crossover, The CW released the trailer for...
On a special edition episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy Behbakht and TFP comic editor Tatiana Hullender are joined by That Hashtag Show’s Daniel...
The Flash will officially be back with new episodes starting on Tuesday, January 16 after the winter hiatus that is...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy Behbakht, Amy Marie, and Brittany Rivera come together to review episode 10...
The Flash just wrapped its first half of the season on the East Coast and if you want a peak...
It looks as if the Arrowverse may not have seen the last of Captain Cold yet. Wentworth Miller, who has...
We are less than two weeks away from the return of The Flash as Season 4 continues. The CW has...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy Behbakht, Brittany Rivera, and Andrew Dyce come together to review episode 9 of The Flash Season 4...
On a special edition episode of The Flash Podcast, as well as the last installment for 2017, Andy Behbakht and TFP...
The Flash comes back in less than a week and we already have information on upcoming episodes for Season 4B!...