The CW released the official episode description today of episode 6 The Flash season 4 titled “When Harry Met Harry.” Earth...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy Behbakht, Amy Marie, and Brittany Rivera come together to review episode 4 of The Flash Season 4 titled...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy Behbakht, Brittany Rivera, Andrew Dyce, and TFP original host Lauren Gallaway come together to...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy Behbakht Brittany Rivera, Andrew Dyce, and TFP comic editor Tatiana Hullender come together to review episode 7...
The Flash Season 4 has so far debuted a lot of new DC Comics characters and that isn’t stopping anytime...
While we’re still early in Season 4 of The Flash, it appears that the creative team is already mapping things...
On this week’s episode of The Flash Podcast, Andy Behbakht and Andrew Dyce, and TFP comic editor Tatiana Hullender come together to review episode...
Hartley Sawyer is bringing Ralph Dibny a.k.a. the Elongated Man to life from the pages of DC Comics to the...
After tonight’s episode of The Flash titled “Girls Night Out” which featured the debut of Amunet Black (Katee Sackhoff) as...
We are almost through the first half of The Flash Season 4 with only a few more episodes set to...