The Flash #57 wraps up the Rogues and Renegades arc while dealing with the Sage Force, and displays surprising sensitivity towards Mick while doing so.
Heroes in Crisis #5 shifts between introspective confessionals, invasive press conferences, and active investigations in to the murders.
Negative Flash takes center stage in The Flash #28, as Barry tries to get control of his new powers. But a mysterious villain would rather he didn't.
The Flash #44 concludes the "Perfect Storm" arc and ramps up the road to Flash War, all while delivering some touching moments between Barry, Iris and the Flash Family as a whole.
Barry Allen takes a turn for the worse in Flash #41, all according to Grodd's plan, while both Wallys take pains to fix what their mentor can't.
The Flash #27 is an emotional roller coaster ride that concludes the "Running Scared" arc with a heart-stopping battle and a heart-wrenching conversation.
THE FLASH #6 Writer: Joshua Williamson Penciller: Carmine Di Giandomenico Colorist: Ivan Plascencia Letterer: Steve Wands Release Date: 9/14/16 DC’s Rebirth has sparked several creative...
The Flash #37 intertwines Barry's work life with his superhero life, creating a mystery he must solve as both CSI Allen and the Flash.
The Flash #21 continues the Batman crossover and kicks things into high gear with a trip through time, which even brings Flashpoint into play.
The Flash #30 introduces us to a new villain named Bloodwork, providing him with an interesting backstory and a tenuous connection to Barry.