The Flash #53 is full of puns, humor and difficult backstories as Barry and Commander Cold deal with their new partnership.
The Flash #50 brings Flash War to a speedy conclusion while also opening plenty of doors for Barry and Wally to run through next.
The Flash #46 explores Wally's fragmented memories and how their return affects his own emotions as well as Barry's, while still setting the scene for Hunter Zolomon's ultimate revenge.
Barry must face down Grodd-controlled members of his family in The Flash #43, which brings back some of our speedster's best qualities.
The Flash #52 deals with both the Speed Force and the Strength Force, and is helped along greatly by Christian Duce's artwork.
The Flash #48 is one of the strongest entries in recent memory, tugging at Wally's heartstrings while throwing a big burden down at Barry's feet.
The Flash #45 is a nice break between major story arcs, but it's not lacking in either heart or hype. The long-awaited reunion between Iris and Wally brings not only tears of joy, but also important revelations that set up Flash War. nicely.
The Flash Podcast sits down with Barry Lyga, author of The Flash book series, to discuss his journey from comic books to novels & his love for Barry Allen.
The Flash #47 lays the groundwork for the Flash War while hitting the theme of family pretty hard, with meaningful moments for Iris, Barry and both Wallys.
The Flash #44 concludes the "Perfect Storm" arc and ramps up the road to Flash War, all while delivering some touching moments between Barry, Iris and the Flash Family as a whole.