The Flash #29 is a slow and steady climb towards a new Big Bad that we have yet to meet, and an in-depth look at new powers Barry has yet to understand.
The Flash #52 deals with both the Speed Force and the Strength Force, and is helped along greatly by Christian Duce's artwork.
The Flash #45 is a nice break between major story arcs, but it's not lacking in either heart or hype. The long-awaited reunion between Iris and Wally brings not only tears of joy, but also important revelations that set up Flash War. nicely.
The first Flash Annual of the post-Rebirth era plants the seeds for Flash War, first by peeking into Wally West's life since his return and by exploring the tension between him and Barry.
The Flash #32 re-introduces us to Iron Heights and sets the scene for Barry Allen's future dealings there while igniting plot points that will go off later.